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 Politics Archive 2014

A dog in Colorado loses his Obamacare health insurance
by Nathan'ette Burdine: January 31, 2014

Someone forgot to tell Senator Mitch McConnell (R-KY) about the Colorado dog that lost his Obamacare health insurance. 

In a November 21, 2013, press release, Senator Mitch McConnell stated that Obamacare provided insurance to a dog faster than it does to a human.

McConnell said, “Millions of Americans are hurting because of a law Washington Democrats forced upon him-and what do they do about it? 

They cook up some fake fight over judges that aren’t even needed.  Look:  I get it.  As I indicated,  I’d want to be talking about something else too if I had to defend dogs getting insurance while millions of American lost theirs.”

The “dogs” McConnell is referring to lives in Colorado. According to Fox News, the dog is a 14 year old Yorkie name Baxter. 

Baxter lives in Colorado with his owner,  Shane Smith. Unfortunately for Baxter, Obamacare doesn’t provide coverage for worm shots or neutering for dogs. 

And once Colorado recognized its mistake, poor Baxter lost his insurance.

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